Part Of Me

Part Of Me

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

No It Can't Be

nobody diserves it for one minute we saw Leomon getting hurt and when we look on the facebook this simple image appears it's him relaxing but look on his breast  it seems to be all right I have so many questions now about it but he will be killed by Meicoomon and again I can't do anything to help him prehaps if I enter on the OVA and try to save his life what a crazy thing I can't accept this how this could happen now I my fears could be a little bit extended Leomon can be infected by the virus ohhhh nooooo he was controled by Devimon on the first season before that the black gears entered on his back he just just got back by the light of digivices of Taichi and Yamato now this virus I ask now how can I protect him

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