Part Of Me

Part Of Me

terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2015

Singing Leomon's Favourite Song

it's so dificult to sing Only Hope cause it's a song originaly by Mandy Moore and apears on a movie "A Walk To Remember" especifically when I remember that digimon oh my god it's a quite impossible now I have to try to record the song on my digital camera and post it on youtube and I have a little question if the japanese guys discover I would be in danger and I'm nervous Leomon is a character that I know a long time ago and I want to see him again at least once and this song leads me next to his words could be crazy but the song matches with him intirelly not only because of the words but for all of his history he always want to give his life for someone so I thought why not and now is all getting back is time for someone sing and this person is me.

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