Part Of Me

Part Of Me

segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2020

My Vídeos On IGTV From Instagram

You know that I started to make live Vídeos of my son Samuel about his progresses abou winning his Hidrocephalia desease and I just wanna share this in a funny way but I don't like when someone tells me what I have or not have to do with him and I think my mom just helping me to take care of him but what I do or not do with Samuel it's not of her business it's mine and of course the Instagram account I have there it's mine so I post whatever I want no one has to tell me what to post then I thought something if my Vídeos was going to Facebook so I gotta disable that thing nothing to post something on Instagram going to Facebook well I already did it I just disabled I don't want anyone telling me what to do just it

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